Hello and welcome to Matrix! It seems like you are new. Before you can securely encrypt your messages, we need to setup a few small things. You can either press accept immediately or adjust a few basic options. We also try to explain a few of the basics. You can skip those parts, but they might prove to be helpful!
Hei ja tere tulemast Matrixi võrku! Tundub, et see on uus teema sinu jaoks. Enne, kui sa saad sõnumeid turvaliselt krüptida, on vaja paar asja ära teha. Sa võid kas nõustuda kõikide järgnevate toimingutega ühe korraga või kohendada seadistusi eraldi. Me üritame järgnevalt selgitada ka olulisemaid asjaolusid. Sa võid need küll vahele jätta, kuid selle teabe valdamine tegelikult on kasulik!
Hello and welcome to Matrix! It seems like you are new. Before you can securely encrypt your messages, we need to setup a few small things. You can either press accept immediately or adjust a few basic options. We also try to explain a few of the basics. You can skip those parts, but they might prove to be helpful!
It seems like you are new. Before you can securely encrypt your messages, we need to setup a few small things. You can either press accept immediately or adjust a few basic options. We also try to explain a few of the basics. You can skip those parts, but they might prove to be helpful!
Tundub, et see on uus teema sinu jaoks. Enne, kui sa saad sõnumeid turvaliselt krüptida, on vaja paar asja ära teha. Sa võid kas nõustuda kõikide järgnevate toimingutega ühe korraga või kohendada seadistusi eraldi. Me üritame järgnevalt selgitada ka olulisemaid asjaolusid. Sa võid need küll vahele jätta, kuid selle teabe valdamine tegelikult on kasulik!