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EmojiVerificationThe displayed emoji might look different in different clients if a different font is used. Similarly they might be translated into different languages. Nonetheless they should depict one of 64 different objects or animals. For example a lion and a cat are different, but a cat is the same even if one client just shows a cat face, while another client shows a full cat body.
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String updated in the repository

10 months ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
emoji 表情符號 Nheko

String information

EmojiVerificationThe displayed emoji might look different in different clients if a different font is used. Similarly they might be translated into different languages. Nonetheless they should depict one of 64 different objects or animals. For example a lion and a cat are different, but a cat is the same even if one client just shows a cat face, while another client shows a full cat body.
String age
10 months ago
Last updated
10 months ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
resources/langs/nheko_zh_Hant.ts, string 198