Nheko could not connect to the secure storage to save encryption secrets to. This can have multiple reasons. Check if your D-Bus service is running and you have configured a service like KWallet, Gnome Keyring, KeePassXC or the equivalent for your platform. If you are having trouble, feel free to open an issue here: https://github.com/Nheko-Reborn/nheko/issues
O Nheko não conseguiu se conectar ao armazenamento seguro para salvar segredos de criptografia. Isso pode ter vários motivos. Verifique se o seu serviço D-Bus está em execução e se você configurou um serviço como KWallet, Gnome Keyring, KeePassXC ou equivalente para sua plataforma. Se estiver com problemas, sinta-se à vontade para abrir um problema aqui: https://github.com/Nheko-Reborn/nheko/issues
SecretStorageNheko could not connect to the secure storage to save encryption secrets to. This can have multiple reasons. Check if your D-Bus service is running and you have configured a service like KWallet, Gnome Keyring, KeePassXC or the equivalent for your platform. If you are having trouble, feel free to open an issue here: https://github.com/Nheko-Reborn/nheko/issues