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UserSettingsModelDisplay rooms with new messages first.If this is off, the list of rooms will only be sorted by the preferred sorting order.
If this is on, rooms which have active notifications (the small circle with a number in it) will be sorted on top. Rooms that you have muted will still be sorted by the preferred sorting order, since you don't seem to consider them as important as the other rooms.
If this is off, the list of rooms will only be sorted by the preferred sorting order.
If this is on, rooms which have active notifications (the small circle with a number in it) will be sorted on top. Rooms that you have muted will still be sorted by the preferred sorting order, since you don't seem to consider them as important as the other rooms.
Jika tidak aktif, daftar ruangan hanya akan diurutkan berdasarkan urutan penyortiran yang diinginkan.
Jika aktif, ruangan yang memiliki notifikasi aktif (lingkaran kecil dengan angka di dalamnya) akan diurutkan di atas. Ruangan yang telah kamu nonaktifkan masih akan disortir berdasarkan urutan pilihan, karena kamu tampaknya tidak menganggapnya sama pentingnya dengan ruangan lain.